1/4-Turn Fastener
We offer the widest available selection of quick-operating, 1/4-turn fasteners. These include front- and rear-mounted fasteners that eliminate riveting, welding and the need for special tools. Some stud assemblies snap into place with ordinary thumb pressure, making retaining rings unnecessary.
4002 Series. High strength and vibration resistant. Working strength is 700 lbs. Minimum preload is 50 lbs.
2600/2700 Series. General purpose. Working strength is 200 lbs. Minimum preload is 15 lbs.
5F Series. Miniature fastener with clip-on receptacle. Working strength is 100 lbs.
91F Series. Extra heavy duty. Working strength is 1200 lbs. Minimum preload is 120 lbs.
28F Series. Designed for decorative styling. Working strength is 200 lbs.
50F Series. General Purpose. Simple, rugged design. Working strength is 100 lbs.
50F Series. Extra Heavy Duty. Working strength is 400 lbs. Minimum preload is 100 lbs.
15F Series. Push-button and flush-mounted design.
KM Series. Simple, hand operation that is ideal for sheet metal panel applications.